Yesterday you turned 1! Happy birthday. This past year has gone by so quickly. I am so glad that God chose me to be your mother. You have a strong bond with both your brother and sister. We all love your snuggles and adore your hugs and kisses.
You are a master at climbing up things and love to push objects around the house instead of walking. We often call this "Lilli relocation services." You do a good job playing independently, as long as you know we are nearby. You are developing a love for books, which is so important for life.
I am enjoying watching you grow. I pray every day that God will heal your heart so you never need surgery. You are growing big and strong, so it is quite possible that your heart will be healed. Most importantly, I want you to grow up knowing God. He is the most amazing, loving father you will ever know. I pray that you will see this love through me, your siblings, and our church.
I am looking forward to this next year with you as you begin to walk and talk. We are sure to have many adventures and I'm looking forward to the time we have together. Never forget how much I love you and that I will always be here for you.
Love, Mom