On Wed, February 22, a storm rolled in. It started as rain, but the temperature dropped and a coating of ice covered the trees. About 6:30, our power went out. The generator didn't turn on. I didn't think too much of it, we folded laundry by candlelight and went to bed. It was a stressful night as I worried about my phone dying before we heard about school. Luckily I could borrow a charger from my oldest. School was canceled because so many were without power.
I decided to call a locksmith because I couldn't get into the generator. As we waited for him, I called a company for the generator. They, by a miracle, arrived first and quickly opened the generator. I was able to cancel the locksmith and found out I had the correct key all along! Push down on the corner then the key will work.
When I went into the basement to find the number for the generator company, things quickly went from manageable to bad. The basement was filled with 2-3" of water. I asked my older 2 to pull everything they could out of the basement. We were able to save everything of value.
The generator was fixed, and shortly thereafter power was restored from the grid. But the ejector pump was overloaded by the amount of water and failed. So while we had gone out to let the water recede and the house warm up, the water just sat. I discovered the flipped breaker when we returned and then called a water restoration company to help. He came out and helped me troubleshoot to get the sump pump pushing the water out. It was mostly gone by 6:30. But the damage had been done, the drywall was soaked.
The ejector pump was fixed Friday morning and it pushed out the remaining water. That night, the extraction began. It's been a process, but now everything has been removed and the fans should come out today. I am waiting on the insurance company to find out what they will cover. And I look forward to the day that I can move our things back into the basement instead of living in chaos.
Only God is sustaining me through this. He sent 4 angels to help us move all our stuff into the garage on Sunday. I know He has a plan with all of this, so I'm just waiting to see what that is. I have been overwhelmed at times and I'm exhausted. But the people that God has placed to help have been amazing. I am looking forward to getting to the other side of yet another first time experience. My kids are going to be able to survive anything as adults after having been through 2 home disasters. Thank you for providing all that we need, God. And thank you for holding me in your hands.