Thursday, January 13, 2022

Need a Change

Hitting the wall lately. Work is going fine, finishing by lunch most days. I'm 60% of the way done with my classes for certification. I need to find time to go get fingerprinted again. I will be taking a day off every pay cycle until I'm ready for a longer vacation. So nothing much to complain about. 
My ex is still causing issues. He's trying to convince the kids to get the covid shot by instilling fear in them. He's lying and doing whatever he wants, whenever. I am waiting to hear about spring break as well as how track season is supposed to work. I should get the petition regarding moving soon. I'm praying that once he sees I'm not backing down he'll let me go. 
I need a break. I want to work out. I want to get the basement cleaned out. I need to get rid of the clothes the baby just outgrew. But I don't know what to do with her while I get work done around the house. Not to mention the need for repairs. I need to fix the drywall in the bathroom. I need to paint in there as well. I need to paint near the fireplace. I need to get the carpet replaced in all the bedrooms. I need to get the mice taken care of. But I don't know where to start or how to find time for any of this. Where does one turn when you never get a break?
The baby will be 1 in about 3 weeks. I haven't been away from her more than a church service. And I feel like I'm drowning. Covid makes it worse because I don't want to take her anywhere because I don't want to normalize masks. We both need the socialization but it doesn't exist as we need it. Hopefully once this covid wave recedes we can get back to a maskless existence. 
Tomorrow I have the day off work. I hope to take time to get something done. We will see how much the little one cooperates. I feel overwhelmed with what needs to be done and when that happens I can end up paralyzed and do nothing. At least the house is clean upstairs. Now to declutter the 4th bedroom, basement and garage. Hopefully I can give some stuff away. 

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