Last night I laying bed sweating, just waiting for my 6 month old to fall asleep. She's got 4 teeth about to break through so sleep is difficult. I had been feeling unwell most of the day, but it was just a cold. My temperature though was 99.7. I normally run 97.6, so this was not good. I got up and we rocked in her glider for a while. She was finally ready for bed, so we snuggled up and she drifted off.
I was at my breaking point yesterday. I even texted a friend, telling him overwhelmed I am. I almost reached out to my small group to ask for prayer, but I feel like a burden to them. It seems like I always have a new prayer request. I know deep down they don't feel that way, but I can't shake the thought. Little did I know that God was working behind the scenes.
I fell asleep shortly after my little one. It was probably only 8:30. My middle child came in at 9 and I woke up. I felt like I had slept several hours, although I still was sick. He laid with me for a while and then decided to try sleeping in his own room. I cleaned his room while he was at camp last week, so now it's a more peaceful place. I was able to fall asleep pretty quickly. My baby only woke twice to nurse last night, we both fell back to sleep quickly and I didn't wake up fully until 7 this morning. I woke up physically feeling so much better. I have some lingering congestion, but I'm now confident this is just a cold and think tomorrow it may be gone.
There was more that God was doing though. I woke up this morning to my first dog boarding request. It's for next week! I have plenty of space to watch dogs. And working from home, I have the availability. The woman brought her dog over and it's a good match. I will make enough money to buy some new dog things that can help entice future clients and my dog will enjoy as well. I feel less like I'm drowning financially because God is making a way. I'm putting myself out there, offering my time and talents as I can and He is making a way.
My baby refused to nap this morning. I thought it was going to be another long day. But at 1 I laid down with her and she fell asleep easily. I raced to start getting things done. I cleaned up the kitchen and folded the laundry. She was still asleep, so I caught up with work. She was still asleep, so I headed into the basement. It's been a mess for a long time. I could now use the weight bench and rowing machine. If I get another 2 or 3 days like today, I may feel like the basement is clean. Next up would be tackling clearing out the yard. With my 2 big kids heading back to school in 1 week, I could get the yard done with several good nap days.
And then I will just have maintenance and projects I may hire out for remaining. But that depends on finances. I have the ability to do everything on the list. But I've never done drywall and I'm not sure about painting with the baby around. We will see where God leads in these next weeks because clearly He has a plan, even when I'm getting the sleep my body needs to heal from illness.
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